Email Domain

  1. Register email domain

Every project can register a subdomain of Documents attached in emails sent to this subdomain will be treated as uploaded files, and trigger predictions.

  1. Email received confirmation

On receiving an email, SmartDocs AI Studio replies with an confirmation email with File Ids.

  1. Result Ready notification

On the prediction result is ready or an exception occurred, an email sends to notify the prediction result.

An email domain on the project can be set. If a file is attached to an email with the correct domain, that sent file will be uploaded to the project on SmartDocs AI Studio and the AI will predicted based upon the project type. The results will be then be sent to web hook url, if it is configured.

Email Request

  1. Successful payload shape EmailInbound

  id: TrainingFileId,   
  filename: string,
  pdfFileKey?: string,  
  workflowKey: string,
  modelType: string,  
  size: number,  
  mineType: MimeType,  
  isTraining: boolean,  
  uploadUser: string,  
  uploadSource: string = "EmailInbound",   
  analyticalGroup2?: string,
  businessModelSize: number,
  pages: number,  
  workflowStatus?: WorkflowStatus,    
  lastUpdatedTime?: string,
  emailFileKey: string  

Demo JSON EmailInbound:

  "id": "2022-08-31T02:18:40.801Z_65fasd5-wqe2-4540-wewb-b6fwerrcf3d",
  "filename": "SomedemoFilename.pdf",
  "pdfFileKey": "upload/2G45TfkiEfcGCY/2022/08/31/SomedemoFilename_65fasd5-wqe2-4540-wewb-b6fwerrcf3d.pdf",
  "workflowKey": "65fasd5-wqe2-4540-wewb-b6fwerrcf3d",
  "modelType": "BusinessModelType",
  "size": 110948,
  "mineType": "application/pdf",
  "isTraining": false,
  "uploadUser": "[email protected]",
  "uploadSource": "EmailInbound",
  "analyticalGroup2": "[email protected]",
  "businessModelSize": 1,
  "pages": 1,
  "workflowStatus": "RESULT_READY",
  "lastUpdatedTime": "2022-08-31T02:18:43.706Z",
  "emailFileKey": ""