
In this case, we will demostrate how to annotate data for project type MultiClass-Classification.

Firstly, create all labels that are required to classify the documentations and user can create them via any uploaded file. In case below, we uploaded a water bill and after clicking the file you will see there is no tag created or applied.


No tag created

Create tags

Click on ‘Tags’ field and type 'Water Bill' to create a new tag named 'Water Bill', you will see it listed in the TAGS afterwards.


Water Bill tag created

Repeat this process to create another tag 'Insurance Receipt' and you will also see none of tag has been applied to any document from the indicators a the right side.


Now, we have two tags created and the next step is to label the corresponding tag to the water bill document.

Applying tags to pages

In order to label, firstly select the pages you would like to label and you can either select single/multiple document under WRAPPED (default) mode of the pdf viewer or click on each page under the 'PAGE' mode.
In this case, we have both the first and second page selected so it shows 'You have selected 2 pages'.

Click on the 'Tags' field and there are two tags ready for selection and please select 'Water Bill' given this is a Water Bill document.

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Once it is selected, the '+ Apply Tag' button becomes green and please click the button to confirm the action. After that the indicator of Water Bill tagger shows '2' which means we have successfully tagged 'Water Bill' on the first and the second page of water bill documentation.


Remember to save

Please remember to click 'Save' button to save the tagging result.

Now, repeat the same process to upload and tag more water bill documentation (ideally from all potential service providers so AI can learn all potential water bills).

Use the same approach to tag more insurance receipts as well, image in below shows one of tagged insurance receipt. Since there is only one page, the indicator of 'Insurance Receipt' shows 1.


Deselect page/disapply tag

If user have selected one or more pages and would like to deselect them in one hit, he/she can click on the 'Deselect all' button.



This action will remove the selection of pages only, any tags that were applied (if any) to those pages will remain on those pages.

User can use the removal button to the right side of the 'Apply Tag' button to remove applied tag from any pages (if already applied to)



This action will removed any applied tag from the selected pages. The tag itself will not be deleted and user can still apply that tag to other pages without re-creating this tag again.