SmartDocs AI Studio supports a wide range of pre-trained / pre-built models ranging from data extraction, signature detection to privacy redaction.

To take advantage of our pre-trained models, simply select your desired model based on business needs and start the prediction directly. No annotation or model training is required!

Predict Files

Once a project is set up with a desired pre-trained model, navigate to the USE tab and upload files for prediction.

SmartDocs AI Studio will initiate file prediction automatically once the file is uploaded. A spinning wheel icon indicates that the prediction is in progress.

Review Prediction Result

Once the prediction process is completed, click into the file to review the annotations done by our AI and modify the result if necessary.


Business Models

Under the PREVIEW - Business Models section, you could find the relevant data extracted by a specific Business Model as well as any table(s) detected in the file.


The Annotations section lists the Tags available for the current model and the texts extracted for each Tag.



When you click into a Business Model field, a cell of an extracted table (if any) or an extracted word under Annotations, the corresponding highlighted texts in the file will flash and be underscored.


All tables detected by AI (if any) can be found under Tables. The tables can be downloaded as CSV.


The TAGGING tab lists all tags available for the selected pre-trained model and the word count for each tag. You may reveal/conceal the highlighter of the texts extracted for a specific tag by ticking/unticking the checkbox of the tag.

When you are satisfied with the result, you may export the data to as a CSV report or push the data to a third-party platform for further analysis via integrations.

Update Prediction Result

If you are not satisfied with the data values extracted by the AI model, you may update the Business Model field or the Annotations manually. Your update will be saved automatically if tick the "Save your changes automatically" checkbox.

Otherwise, when there are unsaved changes, click the below Save / Discard button before you exit the file viewer or move to another file.

Pre-Trained Models Available

Here is a list of the pre-trained models which are currently supported by SmartDocs AI Studio:

  • Data Extraction:
    • Annual Tax Statement
    • Bank Statement
    • Contract Notes
    • Dividend Statement
    • Invoice
    • Property Settlement Statement
    • Receipt
    • Rental Summary
    • Utility Bill
  • Signature Detection
  • Privacy Redaction



All pre-trained data extraction models listed above are trained based on documents for the Australian market. The performance may degrade if they are used to predicate documents from other markets.

Please do not hesitate to contact our team here if you require a new pre-trained model based on your data and business needs.