Annotation Distribution

In case user would like to check the distribution of annotations, he/she can use the annotation distribution pie diagram to diagnose.


In this case, it is a MultipleClass-Classification case, we have 39 files (the total number of pages can be larger than 39) in total and 11 out of 39 documents have at least one page tagged as Water Bill (the statistics are based on document level instead of page level, if one document with 3 pages tagged as water bill on each page, it is still counted as 1 instead of 3), the percentage is 11/(11+28) = 28.2%. This will guide user to quickly check the annotation distribution.




The statistic is based on documentation level not page level, so it may mislead the conclusion. For instance, if user tags all three 3 pages in document A as water bill and all 1 page in Document B as insurance, the pie will show 50% v 50% but the distribution of classes is actually 3 vs 1 which is imbalanced.