Searching Documents


SmartDocs AI Studio offers advanced search feature to query uploaded documents based on a wide range of searching patterns.

Currently, user can use this feature to search based on the documents uploaded into 'LABEL' and 'USE' sections. The difference is that the former one searches based on the documents uploaded for training purpose and the latter one is based on the ones for prediction purpose.

It is straight forward to search for the documents based on the searching pattern. For instance, if a user would like to list all documents that were create over 30 days, uploaded over 30 days, with 2 - 5 pages and size between 100KB to 1MB, user can simply click and select the checking box of each pattern and then the list will be refreshed automatically based on the searching result.


Searching based on word annotations and business models follows the same approach.



The number at the right side of each searching pattern is accounted based on the number of documents that matches the patterns instead of the number of pages. One document may have zero, one or more than one pages that match the patterns.